
Fish are the most kept pet in the UK. On first thought, you may assume they do not present any perceived risk to children. However, what does need to be considered is the environment, such as the risk of a child careering into the tank, or young children getting into the tank. The presence of fishponds and the potential of drowning will need serious consideration. Ponds will be assessed as part of the general home safety check. The chemicals used in water purification and cleaning need to be kept safely out of harm’s way. The fish tank can be a breeding ground for salmonella. so a precaution ensuring the washing of hands is essential. 

Girl Feeding Fish


Pet birds are common, and as with all animals the hygiene of the birds is a relevant risk factor. There is also the potential for birds to carry diseases that can be transferred to humans, but simple precautions and hygienic practices should significantly lower the potential risk. Birds can also peck, bite, and claw individuals. The suitability and security of the cage or aviary will need to be considered along with the supervision required when the bird(s) are released for exercise, etc. 

Girl Next To Bird Cage


Rabbits, hamsters, guineapigs and other rodents will need to be assessed in a way that takes into consideration both the temperament of the animal and the environment. For example, do birth children look after the pets and what role will the foster children play in this? As with all pets, appropriate supervision and good hygiene is essential, and it is important to remember that even small pets can bite. 

Child Feeding Rabit


Regular cleaning of cages and enclosures, as well as feeding and water bowels, to remove dirt and faeces build up is important, and reduces the risk of the waste drying and becoming airborne. Take care to use a type of bedding on the bottom of cages that doesn't produce dust.

Cleaning Products (1)