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Terms of approval, reviews, and resignation

Approval or changes of approval

Once a foster carer is approved, they must be notified in writing of this fact and of any terms of approval. Terms may specify, for instance, that they may foster only a specific named child or children, or may identify a maximum number of foster children who can live with them at one time. Terms may also include factors such as short-term or long-term fostering arrangements, short break care, or inclusion in a particular fostering scheme.

Foster carers must also enter a foster care agreement, covering the matters in Schedule 5 to the Regulations (regulation 2 and standard 14).

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When the fostering provider proposes only to revise the foster carer’s terms of approval, it must provide a statement setting out whether it considers the foster carer(s) or any member of the household (including any foster child living with them) may have additional support needs because of the revision, and if so how they will be met. They may request the foster carers agreement to revise, and when this is received it may proceed without waiting for 28 days (reg 28(9A)).

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Alternatively, a revision may be proposed as part of a formal review process which will ascertain the views of the foster carer. This may be presented at Foster Panel with any reports, minutes and recommendations passed to the Agency Decision Maker (ADM). The ADM will write to the foster carer(s) with details of any proposed decision regarding changes of their terms of approval. They will have 28 days from the date of the letter to request a review of the decision if they disagree, either from their fostering service or by using the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM)

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Fosterline are here for you, at every stage of your fostering journey. If you need further advice or support, contact us to speak to one of our friendly and impartial fostering advisors in confidence. Fosterline also offers a referral-only counselling service for fostering related issues.