There is no requirement in the Regulations to refer resignations, changes or terminations of approval to panel for a recommendation. However, the fostering service provider is required to take account of any recommendation made by the fostering panel if the matter is referred to them. This decision will be made by the Agency Decision Maker.

The fostering service must identify a senior member of staff (usually referred to as the decision maker) who will receive the panel’s recommendations and make decisions as required.

Women At Table

More than one decision maker may be appointed, but they may not delegate their authority to another person. Standard 23 sets out the qualifications, knowledge and experience required of the decision maker. 

Regulation 27 requires that the decision maker must take account of the fostering panel’s recommendation before deciding whether or not to approve a person as a foster carer, and on what terms. Their decision must be made within seven working days of receipt of the panel’s recommendation via the minutes (standard 14). 

Man On Phone

The decision maker is also responsible for deciding whether a person and their household remain suitable to foster, and whether the terms of approval remain suitable, following each review of the foster carer’s approval. 

The decision should be based on the written report of the review, taking account of any recommendation by the fostering panel (which must be provided on the occasion of the first review and may be provided for subsequent reviews) and any recommendation of the IRM. 

Meeting Room
Pile Of Books

The Independent Reviewing Mechanism (IRM) operates the process by which prospective or approved foster carers, can seek a review of a decision or ‘qualifying determination’ made by a fostering service provider. Learn more about the IRM here.