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Training for foster carers

There is no requirement for any prospective foster carer to have any prior training or qualifications as all necessary training will be provided by the fostering service. This starts during the assessment process, and ongoing training will be provided throughout the journey of all foster carers. 

The National Minimum Standards (NMS) includes standard 20, which addresses the Learning and Development of Foster Carers. It requires that: “Foster carers receive the training and development they need to carry out their role effectively. A clear framework of training and development is in place, and this is used as the basis for assessing foster carers’ performance and identifying their training and development needs." 

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What does training typically include?

  • Pre-approval training with other prospective carers may take place in person or virtually and in the evening or at weekends. 

  • Kinship/connected person/family and friends foster carers may be required to complete training as part of the approval process or following approval-ask the fostering service for a copy of the Training Policy that should clarify this and any ongoing training that will be needed. Family and friends foster carers should be able to access training provided to other carers, but the fostering service should also provide training that addresses their particular needs (NMS 30.11).

  • Short break foster carers may be offered training tailored to their role depending on the policy of the fostering service. 

  • Each fostering service will have specific induction training for newly approved foster carers (NMS 20.1), which may include topics such as safeguarding, recording skills, etc. 

  • All foster carers are required to complete the Training, Support and Development Standards (NMS 20.3), usually within the first 12 months of approval, or within 18 months for kinship carers. 

  • Ongoing training may be a mix of mandatory and optional courses to assist foster carers in their ongoing development.  

  • Ongoing specialist training should be linked to your role and development. An example of this may be specific training linked to a child’s medical needs.  

  • Professional vocational training may also be available. 

The National Minimum Standards require safer caring training to be provided to all members of the fostering household, including young people of sufficient age and understanding, ensuring foster carers can apply these principles in a way that meets children’s individual needs (NMS 20.9).

If jointly approved there will be an expectation that both carers attend relevant training. Fostering services may have a Training Policy that will specify their expectations.

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Foster carers are required to maintain an ongoing training and development portfolio (NMS 20.4). Foster carers will have a personal development plan setting how they will be supported with ongoing training appropriate to their needs (NMS 20.5). The annual review of a foster carer will include consideration of training and development needs, and the effectiveness of training and development received. The personal development plan is also reviewed (NMS 20.6).

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If support in accessing virtual or online learning is needed, the fostering service may provide assistance. Child care may be available to help foster carers attending daytime courses. All training provided is required to fit into “a framework of equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice and is organised to encourage and facilitate attendance by foster carers” (NMS 20.10).


Training may be linked to the foster carer skill/fee/ reward payments in some services. Foster carers can ask to see copies of the relevant policies for details. If a foster carer moves to another fostering service, details of training undertaken are made available when requested by the new service. The foster carer is able to take their training and development portfolio with them (NMS 20.11).

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Many foster carers have questions around fostering and finance. We have lots of information for foster carers, including on tax and national insurance, registering as self-employed, and benefits. Read more here.