The Children Act 1989 requires that a pathway plan is prepared for all eligible children. Eligible children are 'looked-after', aged 16 or 17 and have been 'looked after' by a local authority for a period of 13 weeks, or periods amounting in total to 13 weeks, which began after they reached 14 and ended after they reached 16.

Local Authorities have a duty to ensure that:
The child’s PEP is maintained. It is a statutory requirement that all eligible children have a pathway plan. The PEP should form a part of the initiation and review of the pathway plan.
The pathway plan helps the child to prepare for the transition to living independently, paying consideration to the young person’s education or training and how they can access all the services needed to prepare for training, further or higher education or employment
That care leavers are supported to find further education college (FE) and higher education (HE) establishments that meet the needs of the looked after child or care leaver
Every eligible child is aware of and receives the 16-19 Bursary Fund
Promoting the education of previously looked after children
Updated statutory guidance has imposed requirements on the local authority to promote the educational achievement of previously looked after children. In relation to previously looked after children, the role of the virtual school head is limited in comparison to their duty in relation to looked after children, given that they are no longer the child’s ‘’corporate parent’’.
However, VSH’s must ensure that they provide suitable advice and information to promote their educational achievement. They can also undertake any activity they consider appropriate where that activity will promote the educational achievement of such children in their area.