Pupil premium and free school meals

Pupil Premium

'Looked after children' are one of the groups of pupils that attract pupil premium funding. Local authorities receive a pupil premium grant allocation, based on the number of children 'looked after' for at least one day and aged 4 to 15 on 31st August. This is additional funding provided to help improve the attainment of care experienced children and close the attainment gap between this group and their peers.

Virtual School Heads, working with education settings, should implement pupil premium arrangements in accordance with the latest conditions of grant published by the Department for Education and any supplementary departmental advice it issues.


Free school meals

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state-funded mainstream schools in England are automatically eligible to receive free school meals. From year 3 onwards, parents and carers do not have to pay for school meals if they receive certain benefits.

However, as foster carers normally receive a fostering allowance to cover the cost of all meals they may not be eligible to claim free school meals for their foster child, but may meet eligibility in relation to their own children.

Children Writing