There are various types of supported living arrangements to support young people aged 16-18 and beyond in their transition to living independently, who may be unable or unwilling to remain with their foster carer on a staying put arrangement.
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Supported living is now regulated in England and must be registered with Ofsted within 1 of 4 categories:
- Single occupancy accommodation, such as self-contained flats for young people.
- Shared accommodation which has been ring-fenced for looked after children and care leavers 18+, where young people have their own bedroom, but may share communal areas. This may include foyer-type accommodation that combines support and education/training opportunities.
- Shared accommodation which has not been ring-fenced for care-leavers, and may also provide accommodation for 18+ non care experienced adults.
- Family based accommodation or supported lodgings

All are required to meet quality standards, as set out by the government.
Government guidance also states that bed and breakfast accommodation should not be used for 16 and 17 year olds, even in an emergency.
The Staying Close program provides crucial support to young people leaving care from children’s homes. It provides move-on accommodation (that may need to be regulated as above), emotional and practical support and independence skills. At the time of writing, funding has been provided to 47 local authorities for this program.