A Pathway plan is completed by the allocated social worker for eligible young people, and must seek the views of the young person. Foster Carers are asked to contribute to this and to help the young person to achieve tasks and gain skills that they will need in adulthood.
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The Pathway Plan will cover the following key areas:
- Health
- A plan for education, training or employment
- Support to develop and keep appropriate family, social, and sexual relationships
- A programme to develop practical skills to live independently
- Budgeting and money management
- The young person’s accommodation needs including any adaptations required for a young person with a disability
- What is needed to provide the young person with support

Some local authorities may transfer case responsibility to a Leaving Care Team around this time. Ensuring the plan is accurate and comprehensive and contains sufficiently detailed contingency plans is fundamental to a young person transitioning to adulthood. Training and support should be available to foster carers from Fostering Services on developing independence in young people including those with a disability or additional need.
In addition, each local authority publishes a ‘Local Offer’ for care leavers, advising of the support and assistance available up to the age of 25.